Think about what is going on in your life. Are there things that you are really excited about? Or, are there things that you really are not too excited about? There are usually decisions you have made that led up to your current circumstances.
We are always making decisions in some fashion and a lot of decisions are relatively minor. Like what to have for dinner tonight. But, if we want to live our dreams, we will have to get out of the boat and take some real chances.
Some people are born decision makers and others aren't. This is a plus and a minus for both parties. If you are a decision maker, you tend to be quite productive, but also you could get in over your head, especially if you are really risky. If you are not a decision maker, you play it safe. This can keep you out of trouble, but also you are less likely to achieve your dreams by being this way.
Many times, we are forced to make decisions without knowing the exact outcome. Should we remain undecisive in those cases? Absolutely not.
When we find ourselves in a position to make a decision without all the facts, pray about it first and then seek council from someone who has been there... and then decide!
There is a cause and effect to everything. You think a thought, and then you decide whether or not to act upon that thought. If you act upon it, there will be a result. If you do not act upon it, there will also be a result. God, in His infinite wisdom, allows us to make our own decisions. Those decisions then, will decide what direction our lives take. Where we wind up will always be a result of our decisions.
We have all acted upon some poor decisions and made some regrettable mistakes in our past, but the key is to not sulk in them. Make a new decision to move on!
Let a good anger rise up inside of you, get some good council, make some decisions and stick to them. You won't see results immediately, but if you are patient, things may begin to turn around in a big way. Just continue to believe despite the circumstances! James 1:6-7 says, "For he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. Let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord."