The first step in becoming successful the year 2010 is to decide what you what to be successful at. If you create an image in your mind of what you want to achieve, and if you reinforce that image daily, then you will program your inner man to achieve that goal. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.
Yes, commit that dream into God’s hands and then get committed to that dream. Once you have conceived what you are aiming for then commit to it 100%. Successful people don't try to achieve their goals; trying implies a possibility of failure. Successful people commit to achieving their goals and they are willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as necessary, until that goal is fully achieved.
There are two things that successful people create when pursuing a goal.
Firstly they create a plan. They do their best to include a strategy for goal directed action, a list of the people who could help, a list of the resources they will need and a strategy for gaining those resources if they don't already have them at hand.
Once they have created a plan then they create the action itself. A plan without action is simply an academic exercise and will never produce a result. That is why successful people create as much goal directed action as they possibly can.
Not all of your goal directed action will produce the results you were hoping for, but it will produce some result. If you develop the habit of honestly critiquing the results of your actions then you can learn what is working, and do more of that, and what is not working and then modify that.
Once you have made some genuine progress it is wise to consolidate that progress so that you minimize the possibility of slipping back. Likewise when you have achieved your goal that too may need to be consolidated.
Find time to give thanks to God for every little progress you make. Most people celebrate when they achieve their goal, but the most successful people develop the habit of celebrating each successful step toward their goal. If you celebrate God each step of the journey then it keeps your mind positive and your faith strong. It also reinforces in your mind exactly why you want to achieve this particular goal.
There is an ancient wisdom that says if you're not growing then you are dying. Once you have achieved your goal, consolidated it, and celebrated God, then it is time to seek His face for a new goal and climb to a higher rung on the ladder of success.
Yes, commit that dream into God’s hands and then get committed to that dream. Once you have conceived what you are aiming for then commit to it 100%. Successful people don't try to achieve their goals; trying implies a possibility of failure. Successful people commit to achieving their goals and they are willing to do whatever it takes, for as long as necessary, until that goal is fully achieved.
There are two things that successful people create when pursuing a goal.
Firstly they create a plan. They do their best to include a strategy for goal directed action, a list of the people who could help, a list of the resources they will need and a strategy for gaining those resources if they don't already have them at hand.
Once they have created a plan then they create the action itself. A plan without action is simply an academic exercise and will never produce a result. That is why successful people create as much goal directed action as they possibly can.
Not all of your goal directed action will produce the results you were hoping for, but it will produce some result. If you develop the habit of honestly critiquing the results of your actions then you can learn what is working, and do more of that, and what is not working and then modify that.
Once you have made some genuine progress it is wise to consolidate that progress so that you minimize the possibility of slipping back. Likewise when you have achieved your goal that too may need to be consolidated.
Find time to give thanks to God for every little progress you make. Most people celebrate when they achieve their goal, but the most successful people develop the habit of celebrating each successful step toward their goal. If you celebrate God each step of the journey then it keeps your mind positive and your faith strong. It also reinforces in your mind exactly why you want to achieve this particular goal.
There is an ancient wisdom that says if you're not growing then you are dying. Once you have achieved your goal, consolidated it, and celebrated God, then it is time to seek His face for a new goal and climb to a higher rung on the ladder of success.