1. Winners respond to the challenges not the problem.

2. Winners don't allow themselves to be shaped by circumstances criticisms or the opinions of others.

3. Winners live by what Gods word says, not by what they see, hear or imagine to be true.

4. Winners respond with courage to seemingly impossible challenges.

5. Often what separates a winner from a loser is the decision to be a winner and only you can decide to win.

6. Winners take responsibility for their decisions.

7. Challenges give us an opportunity to be stretched beyond our normal capacity.

8. Winners change the way they think, their thinking becomes adventurous.

9. Winners don't merely react to change.

10. Winners make things happen.

When we wake up in the morning we have two simple choices to make, go back to sleep and dream or wake up and chase these dreams. It is only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible greatness does not come on a silver platter, it takes time patience and in most cases tremendous effort. Greatness is like a chasm that cannot be crossed in two small jumps.

Everyone has a problem no one is exempt we may not be able to prevent problems or even control the timing, but we can control our response. We can turn our pain to either poetry or profanity.

Many people are overly influenced by what other people think of them and say to them, people will judge your ambitions by their own insecurities.

We all face great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations, some see great opportunities as intruders into their peaceful lives or as problems that are unsolvable, impossible or unfair. But the Winner sees great opportunities in challenges.

Tell me your thoughts and I will tell you your destiny.



When looking for leaders and administrators for your church, what is firstly required is a heart of a father. 1 Corinthians 4:15

Jesus exhibits the heart of a father; John 10:30.

Jesus presents Himself very strong to His disciples as a father. John 14:8-10

What are the qualities to look for to nominate representatives for leadership position in the church?

1. A person with a compassionate heart. Mathew 9:35, you look for brethren that are not ready to serve their own interest but griped with the passion for the development of the people.

2. Look for a heart that is moved with concern for the people, don't look for people that have a judgmental heart but full of concern to help others. Mathew 9:10

3. Look for a heart that is willing to serve. Mathew 8:1

4. Look for a heart endowed with the spirit of humility. Jesus made Himself of low reputation and took upon Himself the form of a servant; He humbled Himself even unto death. Philippians 2: 8, 9

5. Look for a heart that is forgiving. Luke 23:32, Luke 15

6. Look for a heart that is willing to sacrifice for the enrichment of others. John 10:11


